Info Centre

Welcome to the SolarEdge Info Centre, your one stop shop for solar knowledge. Here you can explore, learn and empower yourself with knowledge about harnessing the sun's energy for a brighter future. 

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Solar 101 Find out more

This handy article will cover everything you need to know to begin your solar journey.

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Designing an Expandable System Find out more

Consider the advantages of designing an expandable system that you can upgrade when needed.

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Solar Panel Orientation Find out more

Solar panel orientation influences the efficiency and output of your solar panels. Optimising the panel orientation is therefore particularly important for homeowners. 

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Smart Panels vs Traditional Panels Find out more

Learn how power optimisers can transform traditional panels into smart panels 

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Solar Panel Efficiency Find out more

Learn what solar panel efficiency means, factors influencing it, and how to mitigate performance degradation over time, ensuring your investment continues to perform. 

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Solar Panel Placement Find out more

Explore the importance of panel orientation, tilt angles, and shading considerations. Learn how SolarEdge optimisers ensure each panel operates at peak efficiency. 

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Solar by day, Battery by night Find out more

Unlock the power of combining solar energy generation with cutting-edge battery storage solutions. Explore how harnessing the sun's energy during the day can seamlessly transition into reliable battery storage for night-time use, providing you with a continuous and eco-friendly power supply.

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The difference between DC Coupled and AC Coupled Batteries Find out more

Discover the difference between DC and AC coupled batteries. While DC coupling offers efficient energy flow directly from solar panels, AC coupling provides flexibility in system design. Understanding these options empowers you to choose the ideal solution for maximizing your solar energy storage and utilisation.

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Batteries during a Blackout Find out more

When the grid fails, battery backup systems ensure an uninterrupted power supply, providing safety, comfort, and peace of mind. Discover how to maintain essential functions and remain resilient in the face of unexpected outages.

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Why Inverters are the Brains of a Solar System? Find out more

Inverters act as the central hub for managing solar systems, overseeing battery charging, backup power, and EV charging. They regulate battery charging, ensuring reliable backup power during blackouts, while also optimising EV charging for maximum efficiency and cost savings. In essence, inverters streamline energy management for solar systems, maximising performance and versatility.

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EV Charger Guide Find out more

In this concise yet comprehensive resource, we'll navigate the exciting world of electric vehicle charging. From understanding different charger types to installation tips and best practices, this guide equips you with everything you need to know to power up your electric ride efficiently and conveniently.

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Maintenance and Cleaning

Shining a light on Solar Maintenance Find out more

Explore maintenance best practices that prioritise safety, ensuring your system continues to shine brightly while keeping you and your property safe.

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Upfront Costs vs Ongoing Savings Find out more

Delve into how upfront costs translate into long-term savings and revenue generation for businesses. From reduced energy expenses to enhanced brand reputation and sustainability credentials, discover how commercial solar offers a compelling return on investment that extends far beyond immediate financial gains.

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Prioritising Safety in Commercial Solar Systems Find out more

Discover why safety is paramount in commercial solar installations. From protecting workers during construction to ensuring ongoing maintenance without risk and protecting your property long term. 

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