The Venco Campus börjar med solenergi

Fjäderfäkonglomeratet säkerställde att dess huvudcampus skulle uppfylla höga standarder för energianvändning och minimering av föroreningar genom att installera SolarEdge för ökad systemavkastning.
Venco Campus Netherlands_installed by Alius Energy

At a Glance:

  • Installation date: July 2012
  • Location: Venco Campus, Eersel, The Netherlands
  • Installed Capacity: 1.63 MWp
  • Modules: 5,712 x Trina Solar: TSM-PC14-Utility Solution 285Wp
  • Power Optimizers: 5,712 x OP300-MV
  • Inverters: 119 x SE12.5K
Venco Campus Netherlands_installed by Alius Energy

At a Glance:

  • Installation date: July 2012
  • Location: Venco Campus, Eersel, The Netherlands
  • Installed Capacity: 1.63 MWp
  • Modules: 5,712 x Trina Solar: TSM-PC14-Utility Solution 285Wp
  • Power Optimizers: 5,712 x OP300-MV
  • Inverters: 119 x SE12.5K
Venco Campus Netherlands_installed by Alius Energy

Maximizing roof space on the egg-shaped building was easy with SolarEdge equipment because it allows for longer strings and strings of different lengths; this also reduced BoS costs.

Venco Campus Netherlands_installed by Alius Energy

Maximizing roof space on the egg-shaped building was easy with SolarEdge equipment because it allows for longer strings and strings of different lengths; this also reduced BoS costs.

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By using the SolarEdge system, The Venco Group achieved their goal for an innovative solution that minimizes the environmental impact of the Venco Campus and provides safe and sustainable energy.
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Ton van de Ven
/ AliusEnergy

Venco was impressed with three important SolarEdge benefits: Power Optimizers eliminating power losses due to module-mismatch, which allowed for additional power generation; reduced cost through the ability to monitor the system remotely on a module-level and advanced safety features that maintained safe voltage on the roof when the system was off. This, in addition to the excellent and cost-effective use of roof space.

Venco Campus
  • Safety features that protected their people and property 
  • Increased power production due to Power Optimizers optimizing the production from each module 
  • Simple and cost-effective management due to module-level monitoring 
  • Flexible design that allowed for efficient and cost-effective use of space