Supermarket Chooses SolarEdge Rooftop PV System to Reduce Electricity Cost

Supermercado Cristal in Brazil was looking for a way to reduce their monthly overhead while encouraging sustainable energy
Goiânia, Brazil / PV Rooftops

At a Glance:

  • Location: Goiânia, Brazil
  • Installed Capacity: 72 kWp
  • Modules: 200 Canadian Solar Modules 
  • Power Optimizers: 100 x P730
  • Inverters: 2 SE27.6K
Goiânia, Brazil / PV Rooftops

At a Glance:

  • Location: Goiânia, Brazil
  • Installed Capacity: 72 kWp
  • Modules: 200 Canadian Solar Modules 
  • Power Optimizers: 100 x P730
  • Inverters: 2 SE27.6K
Cristal Goiania Brazil / PV Rooftops

As a growing supermarket with rising electricity costs, Supermercado Cristal in Brazil was looking for a way to reduce their monthly overhead while encouraging sustainable energy. 

Cristal Goiania Brazil / PV Rooftops

As a growing supermarket with rising electricity costs, Supermercado Cristal in Brazil was looking for a way to reduce their monthly overhead while encouraging sustainable energy. 

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Our roof needed a solution that would make it possible to install the largest number of solar modules, with the least amount of energy loss due to shading. Mithraz Energia Solar presented us with the SolarEdge solution, which in addition to generating more power for Supermercado Cristal, also offers a better product guarantee compared to competitive solutions.
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Geraldino Neto
/ Supermarket Manager, Supermercado Cristal

Supermercado Cristal selected SolarEdge’s DC optimized PV solution because of the complex roof layout, including the inclinations and shaded areas that had been created as the supermarket expanded over the years. These areas would not have been possible to install modules with a traditional PV system due to module-level mismatch.  

SolarEdge Rooftop PV System

SolarEdge was the right solution because of its superior design flexibility. With SolarEdge, Supermarket Mercado was able to place 36 modules on one string, as opposed to 20 modules per string with a traditional inverter- efficiently making use of the full rooftop space. Ultimately, the supermarket increased the number of modules on the roof by 20% by using SolarEdge, resulting in greater energy production and lowering electricity costs.